Asociatia Faborisa

Asociatia Faborisa

Our mission

Faborisa Association is an NGO wich was registered in the Registru of Association and Foundation nr 11/16.03.2011, is non profit, apolitical, nongovernamental.

The Mission of “Faborisa Association” 

1. To improve the quality of life of all members of society in need, suffering or who are socially disadvantaged. We want to bring the European standard in Romanian hospitals through projects that involve renovations where needed, and to improve life quality through  the use of laughter therapy, music, dance, acting, as well as other artistic programs;  

2. To bring public awareness in school institutions, about the needs of children affected by TB disease, socially disadvantaged far below the subsistence level using art and music, instilling values that are moral, educational and spiritual;  

3. To promote volunteer activities mainly among young people, that can promote further the benefits and contentment of these volunteer acts;

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Asociatia Faborisa
Romanian children with TB
The project Romanian children with TB is dedicated to helping the children from Romania suffering TB, wich are hospitalized in the Institute of Pneumoftizilogy Marius Nasta from Bucharest.
Asociatia Faborisa
Grijă pentru copiii în suferință / Caring for the children in need
Proiectul “Grijă pentru copiii în suferință” își propune strângera de fonduri pentru crearea de condiții igienice și de confort pentru copiii care sunt nevoiți să stea departe de casă și de familie pentru a fi tratați. The project “Caring for the children in need” aims to raise funds to create hygienic conditions and comfort for children who have to stay away from home and family to be cured.

Evenimente fundraising

Grijă pentru copiii în suferință / Caring for the children in need @ 1000 Km Balkan Charity Challenge 2019

La prima vedere 1000 km Balkan este o provocare sportiva de 11 zile, ce combina ciclismul si alergarea. Dar este mai mult decat atat. Este un concept complex cu misiunea de a contribui la dezvoltarea indivizilor si a societatii. Evenimentul este non-competitiv, suntem limitati doar de lumina zilei: putem parcurge in medie 160 km pe zi cu bicicleta si 60 km pe zi in alergare in cele circa 8h30m de lumina. Asta presupune o sanatate de fier si a pregatire pentru anduranta a participantilor.

Romanian children with TB @ 1000 Km Balkan Charity Challenge 2017
Faborisa is a non profit, apolitical, nongovernamental association, with the following mission: Improve the quality of life of all members of socie
Vezi toate evenimentele2

Fundraising pages

Dori and Petrisor

Dear friends, We will be running TOGETHER as a family on the 27th of October for improvements of the hygiene and conditions at Clinical Hospital CF 2...

90.25% Complete
Hiroko Ogawa

My first marathon was in autumn of 1995. A quarter of a century has passed and I completed more than 250 marathons with being supported by many people...

38% Complete
The Running Fairies

We are Claudia and Nicoleta, and we are enjoying in having an active life, and that is why running is just the perfect match for us, for the good stat...

97.666666666667% Complete

Sustin si particip la 1000 km Balkan Charity Challenge din pasiune pentru sport si sanatate. Sa sprijinim Proiectul FABORISA, “Grijă pentru copiii în...

4.0833333333333% Complete

Intotdeauna o parte din  timpul meu l-am dedicat sportului.In copilarie sportul m-a ajutat sa cresc puternica, disciplinata si mai organizata.Am lupta...

100% Complete
1000 km Balkan for children with TB

Voiam să merg demult la spitalul Marius Nasta din București, unde se află copii bolnavi de TBC, însă, din pacate, nu am putut ajunge, reușind numai să...

26.666666666667% Complete
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